6 Reasons to Build a WordPress Blog with Showit

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Build your blog like nobody's business with my drag-and-drop Showit X Wordpress templates made for creative & stylish bloggers like you. 



I often get asked about the reasons to build a WordPress blog with a Showit template. I've preached to many people the benefits, so I thought it best to document my thoughts in a blog post. Let's hope that this post reaches you early in your blogging journey. I sure wish I had found Showit sooner! It would have saved me from so many headaches. Showit would have allowed me more design freedom to share my brand, creativity, and personality. And no doubt about it, I would have grown my blog so much faster.

I've been building websites and blogs for the last 12+ years with all the top well-known web builders. Check out my 6 top reasons why Showit (powered by WordPress) is the very best way to build your blog.

Reasons to Build a WordPress Blog with a Showit Template:


  • Showit is a website builder that also hosts your website (say goodby to BlueHost, GoDaddy, or similar fees!).
  • It's a drag-and-drop software that allows you to design from scratch (you can start with a blank canvas) or you can purchase a customizable template. I recommend using one of my designer blog templates, check them out here.
  • Showit offers dedicated one-to-one support. If you ever need help with your website, simply click the '?' on the lower right corner inside the platform and talk to a helpful & super-smart human right away. They are quick to respond and have always helped find a solution to whatever challenge I throw at them.
  • You can activate your Showit subscription here.
  • There's a $24/month plan that includes a blog, but I recommend the top advanced one for $34/month because it allows you to upload advanced plugins (and that's where you can take advantage of the power of WordPress!).
  • Once you have an account, you're able to join the Showit user group on Facebook, which is a great way to connect with more than 11,000 other Showit users, ask questions, and learn more about the platform.

And now, the reasons to build your blog with a glorious Showit template:

1. THE Code-Free Templates Don't Look Like Templates

A Showit template is simply a starting place. There are no restrictions to what you can customize, move around, resize, add or delete. You can change everything. Your site truly evolves away from the original template and into a unique, custom site because of this freedom. When using other popular blog templates, your customizations must always fit within the design of the template. Which massively limits what you can create.

You might be saying, okay, there are no restrictions, but how the heck do I use all this newfound design freedom? Do I need to learn to code the templates? I'm glad you asked because it's so easy, your grandmother or child could use it:

You drag it. And you drop it.

Don't believe it's that simple? Play around with Showit's demo site, and you'll quickly understand how easy (and fun) it is to customize your template. Unlike most drag and drop builders, you can drop anything anywhere on any page.

All of my clients have taken quickly to using Showit (read what they have to say), and I'm confident you will too!

2. YOU GET ACCESS TO So Many Styling Capabilities

Check out the list below of some of the capabilities that make Showit templates unique and engaging (and look like you spent a fortune with a professional designer!). If you want to experience the capabilities first-hand, try the demo site!


  • Pop-up forms are simple to add with canvases that are set to "hidden to start" and sticky at the top.
  • Canvases can go full width! But the entire site or page doesn't have to do so. Each canvas on each page can do its own thing.
  • Choose different canvas types: normal, window height, or grow with content.
  • Make a canvas a 'site canvas' when it appears globally throughout your site (so you can efficiently update it just once, instead of everywhere it lives).
  • You can even add an entire canvas (or page) from another design in your Showit library!


  • Import custom fonts into your media library so they will appear in your text properties font list.
  • Change font settings in your design settings.
  • Add new text boxes by type: title, heading, subheading, or paragraph.
  • Enable input on text boxes to allow users to enter text and submit information to you.
  • Establish SEO tags from a pull-down menu. No code required!


  • Resizing images is as easy as dragging them to the correct size.
  • Go full width or edge lock an image anywhere on a page.
  • Set opacity or overlays for unique effects.
  • Layer/arrange images however you see fit. There are no restrictions on where images go on a Showit site!
  • Create folders in your media library so you can keep your files organized.
  • Create a unique visual experience upon scrolling by using image background 'parallax' setting.


  • Galleries are probably one of Showit's most desired capabilities (which explains so many photographers use Showit). They are beautiful and customizable. Choose between single, sliders, or tiled galleries. Make them any size and put them anywhere on your site.
  • Add multiple images to a gallery in one fell swoop.
  • Customize spacing and design elements of each gallery.
  • Incorporate text, icons, or any other elements over or around galleries.
  • Create beautiful full-width hero galleries.
  • Design galleries on hidden canvases so visitors engage and interact with your site.


  • Create multiple canvas views for sliders, testimonials, interactive galleries, quizzes, and more.
  • Display a scrolling featured post section with multiple canvas views.
  • Design a drop-down menu with canvas views.
  • Set canvas views to auto-advance, fade, slide, bounce, etc while transitioning.


  • Add 'rectangle' to create lines, borders, banners, headers, or other design elements.
  • Easily layer on top or below all other elements.
  • Set effects like rounded corners on shapes, objects, or change opacity (also can be done with images or galleries).


  • Choose from Showit's vast list of icons, or import your own. Resize them and assign any color to them.
  • Add a custom Pinterest icon on your blog post images.
  • Include social sharing icons anywhere on your blog posts.


  • Add video anywhere, even a canvas background.
  • Enjoy a backup image visitors will see in case the video doesn't immediately load.
  • Use GIFs anywhere on your site to create energetic animation.


  • Email sign-up forms can live anywhere. Just pop the code in from your email provider. Embed it with a photo or your chosen font--yes, an email sign-up form can now look #onbrand!
  • Add videos from Youtube or other sources by placing the code into the Showit embed forms. So easy!
  • Embed widgets, like 'SnapWidget' for your Instagram feed.
  • Quickly start selling a product anywhere on your site by embedding the Shopify buy button widget.


  • Create target links to a page, canvas, URL, social, email, SMS, or phone.
  • Make a pop-up appear and close with click action.
  • Jump to the top of a page, or link to a specific canvas on a different page.
  • Add actions to show or close a canvas or gallery.


  • All objects and canvas views can transition into and out of your site in a variety of ways.  Slide, fade, bounce, rotate, zoom, roll, and more.
  • Specify the length of time the transition takes, any delays, and directions.
  • Create a mouseover effect that lowers an image's opacity to display a color or text overlay.
  • Add hover effects over text links (rollover shows new color or bolder font).

Are you starting to understand what I mean about creative freedom? I barely scratched the surface. These are just some of the style capabilities!


Welcome to the perfect union of Showit creative capabilities and WordPress blogging power. Yes! You design your site inside the Showit design app, but it integrates with WordPress, where you write your blog posts. A match made in internet heaven and the best of everything, in my opinion!

Showit allows you to design the front end (what you see) of your blog layout with zero code. Want a video in your blog’s sidebar? That’s easy! Just add it from your media library and resize it. Create a custom blog header and unique navigation, get creative with the layout of your posts, you can even create a custom page for each blog category. There are no longer limits to what you can do with your blog layout.

More good news: you’ll be able to use the top blogging SEO optimization plugin, Yoast, with your Showit site + blog. Yoast is a WordPress plugin that reviews each blog post you write and offers suggestions for SEO improvement. It is undoubtedly the most helpful SEO tool and is effective in boosting your Google rank.

Showit has your SEO fully covered between their simple SEO panel updates for each site page, as well as plugin capabilities for each blog post. Bring on the great Google ranking!


I used to cringe when I met someone new and they asked for my URL.

If I had a nickel for every time my response was, “Check it on your desktop for the best experience!” I'd have…a lot of nickels.

We are all on our phones more than ever, so it’s no surprise most website visitors (at least half!) will view your blog from their phones. No more need to cringe, because Showit solves the endless weird things that happen to so many non-responsive, non-Showit mobile sites.

Inside the Showit app, you'll find side-by-side editors for both mobile and desktop sites. This feature lets you customize each site separately. You can keep elements showing on both sites or hide them on one. This element especially comes in handy for mobile. Sometimes you need to change images shape, update text formats, or even rearrange entire layouts to look better on a phone.

Other website builders only allow you to customize your desktop site, which leaves your mobile site looking neglected or confused. Alignment is off, padding looks funky, images appear in weird places, forms don’t look like they should. There is no reason to tolerate these mobile issues any longer as the Showit mobile editor is the remedy! Your site will be fully responsive on all devices so that every visitor has the best experience.

This mobile site capability alone is enough reason to switch to Showit in my opinion!


Most blog templates have one standard page that applies across the entire site. Unless you know how to code, all your pages will look pretty much the same. Boring!

Chances are your blog has unique needs, categories, and pages that require more than the simple standard template. You likely need multiple page designs that help you share all sides of your story and promote all sides of your blog.

With Showit’s creative freedom, every page can surprise and delight your visitors. You can use site (global) canvases to add common elements across all pages (like your menu or footer), and the rest of the pages can benefit from original, stunning, and exciting layouts that boost your blog overall.


Showit is not an e-commerce platform, but it easily integrates with selling widgets like Shopify Lite, SamCart, and others. So you are still able to benefit from all of the features I mentioned above while creating a unique online storefront that fully embodies your brand. It’s as easy as customizing the shop part of your Sisoo Site template and popping in a ‘buy button’ (see above #2’s ’embed code’ capability).

If you go with Shopify or Squarespace for your website, you’re missing out on being able to customize non-product pages that share more about your brand. And you’re missing out on the SEO superpowers of a WordPress blog too, that will help your products get found online.


It’s easy to see why I want you to build your blog on Showit, simply because it beats other web-builders on every level (by a landslide). More reasons I'll never stop using Showit:

• Showit's easy drag and drop editor FAR outweighs any page builder or WordPress theme I've come across. As a result, you'll finally be able to make your blog look EXACTLY how you want it to look.

• Their friendly help team is comparable to none, so you'll feel like you have your very own support team!

• No more late nights Googling until you figure out PHP, HTML, and CSS. No more handing over money to a developer to change or fix your template.

• The design capabilities allow me to add SO MUCH personality to all my websites and blogs (with videos, gifs, galleries, canvas views, transitions, and more). By adding more of me to my blog I can share my unique story which helps me stand out online. 

• The integration of WordPress plugins keeps my blog competitive with the most advanced features and functionalities, so I can offer my visitors the best user experience!


Check out this page to learn how to get started with my Showit X WordPress blog templates, and be sure to reach out with any questions. I hope this post helps you understand the many great reasons to build your blog on Showit.

Let’s build you a beautiful, blooming blog that gives you freedom, power, and endless capabilities!

6 awesome reasons to build your blog with a showit template

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I'll receive a small commission if you purchase through my link. Please read full disclosure here.

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